Supporter of the Zavod Vitae+ programme

Dr. Franci Petek

Top sports professionals who have devoted most of their lives to sports create a fairly tight social circle for themselves. Even after several years, decades, they are largely mentally connected only to this environment and the knowledge, values, work tasks and their dissemination within this network. In a way, an athlete is very well trained to take care of their own well-being. Feelings of emptiness and anxiety occur the moment the decision is made to end the role of an active athlete, a competitor. The very decision to end one's career represents something new and unknown to the athlete, so they often delay the decision for a good while. More often than not, they lack the knowledge and skills to look outside their trusted circle. I perceive that many athletes are confronted by this reality.

“I support and appreciate any support and help for top athletes at the end of their sports careers. Individual, holistic support for athletes in the form of a personal coach can make it even easier for them to face and accept their new reality. I would have liked the help of experts myself when I made this decision. I believe that every successful athlete can also be successful in the job market. But what they need in the phase of transition to a new path is the support of an expert. In this way, they can quickly and easily recognise themselves and their own potential, deal intensively with the new reality, and develop techniques that will serve as ‘new props’ for life and work."

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